Eleven Pipers Piping

An ambitious and fun date spent discovering eleven different Christmassy pipers including piping hot hot chocolate, the corncob pipe from "Frosty", Christmas pipe organ music, and much more!

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Ten Lords a Leaping

A creative spin on Ten Lords a Leaping including the Christmastide Lord of Misrule, a menu of classic peasant fare, and a lot of leaping from the "The Hip Hop Nutcracker".

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Nine Ladies Dancing

A clever couple's date created by mashing up the ingredients of Santa's nine reindeer, the Radio City Rockettes, and a high school Winter Dance that winds up with a "Radio City Music Ball" dance party.

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Eight Maids a Milking

A clever spin on Eight Maids a Milking transforming one's kitchen into "The Milking Parlour" cocktail bar featuring a menu bursting with eight different types of milk as well as several holiday-inspired cocktails.

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Six Geese a Laying

A clever date inspired by Six Geese a Laying including holiday cocktails featuring Grey Goose vodka, donating a flock of geese to Heifer International, eating foie gras with fig & port wine sauce, and drinking Goose Island's Christmas IPA.

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Three French Hens

A highly entertaining date inspired by Three French Hens that includes chicken au champagne, French Christmas carols, and a hilarious Christmas ornament waddle game.

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A Partridge in a Pear Tree

A fun and great way to kickoff the "12 Days of Christmas" theme f” with a spread of pear-centric foods, "The Office" episode of "Secret Santa", and also Vox's calculation of the cost to give a loved one all the gifts from the 12 Days of Christmas.

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