
A fun exploration of the history of "X-Mas" as well as a bevy of X-related Christmas items such as Chex Mix, “The Polar Express”, and music by Pentatonix. Plus, a little bit of cheeky "X-Rated" fun with Dirty Elf riddles and the North Pole Dancing Studio.

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Vixen’s Festive Foxtrot

A celebration of Santa's reindeer "Vixen" including tangential forays into Christmas with the Nixons, Dixons, Fixings, etc… as well as numerous fox-related events including a "Vixen's Festive Foxtrot" dance party.

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Snow Ball

A fun and festive date celebrating snowballs including Hostess Sno Balls, a "Snow Ball" dance party, and holiday games with every form of snowball imaginable from marshmallows to ping pong balls.

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Nine Ladies Dancing

A clever couple's date created by mashing up the ingredients of Santa's nine reindeer, the Radio City Rockettes, and a high school Winter Dance that winds up with a "Radio City Music Ball" dance party.

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