Scents & Senses of the Season

A fun brunch to have with friends that celebrates the many scents and senses of the season including pecan rosemary candied bacon and cranberry orange mimosas for the parents and a holiday sensory board and Christmas tree shaker bottles for the kids.

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Vixen’s Festive Foxtrot

A celebration of Santa's reindeer "Vixen" including tangential forays into Christmas with the Nixons, Dixons, Fixings, etc… as well as numerous fox-related events including a "Vixen's Festive Foxtrot" dance party.

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Holmes for the Holidays

A quaint but heartwarming evening spent cozying up with Christmas cocktails and listening to Sherlock Holmes "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle" then playing a wonderful Sherlock Holmes Christmas-themed digital escape room.

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Christmas in Romania

A fascinating family date exploring the interesting history of Christmas in Romania including their Communist Santa (Mos Gerila), several of their cherished Christmas dishes, the making of a star carol, and much more!

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Boxing Day

A fun day of family activities featuring Boxing Day including the traditional intent of generosity and gift boxes to those in need but also adding a spin to it by featuring so many of the wonderful Christmas treats that come in boxes as well!

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Mr. Christmas (aka: Andy Park)

A fascinating family date honoring a man who has literally celebrated Christmas every day of the year since July 1993… Andy Park.. and attempting to live a day in his shoes!

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“Baby It’s Cold Outside”

A cheeky family date delving into the history of the iconic song and the controversy surrounding it but also keeping it lighthearted via bringing one's own babies outside into the cold, parody videos, and a wintry menu full of "baby" related items.

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Christmas in Virginia

A family celebration of Christmas in Virginia with York(town) Peppermint Patties, a Monti-Cello Christmas Playlist, and (of course) "Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus".

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Letters To & From Santa

A fun family date featuring a "Letters to Santa Claus" book, J.R.R. Tolkien's "Letters from Father Christmas", and adopting a child's Letter to Santa via the USPS' "Operation Santa".

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St. Nick’s Scary Sidekicks

A bizarrely enjoyable evening featuring the stories from around the world of the creepy characters said to accompany Santa from Krampus to Knecht Ruprecht with food, games, and movies inspired by them and their legends.

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Red & Green

A festive and cheery family date spent learning about how red and green became the colors associated with Christmas as well as menus and activities abounding in the two colors!

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