Six Geese a Laying

A clever date inspired by Six Geese a Laying including holiday cocktails featuring Grey Goose vodka, donating a flock of geese to Heifer International, eating foie gras with fig & port wine sauce, and drinking Goose Island's Christmas IPA.

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Christmas in North America

A familiar and yet enlightening date celebrating Christmas traditions in North America including the familiar baked ham and a "Honky Tonk Christmas" but also new traditions such as radish carving, coquito, and piƱata making.

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Three French Hens

A highly entertaining date inspired by Three French Hens that includes chicken au champagne, French Christmas carols, and a hilarious Christmas ornament waddle game.

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Christmas in Oceania

A raucously fun date inspired by Christmas traditions in Oceania and a great reason to break out the summer attire in the middle of winter, make some pavlova, throw some shrimp on the barby, and play Christmas Name That Tune.

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