As we continue our adventure of Christmas Across the Continents, today we found ourselves in Africa. Christmas traditions are very different there compared to what we’ve come to know in North America. But it was refreshing to see and experience something so different as well.

We employed limited silverware, simple ingredients, recycled ornaments, African choirs, and a moving enactment of the Nativity Story to bring “Christmas in Africa” to life. And we learned so much about new foods (like doro wat and injera and fufu) that have so much meaning within this traditions that we simply never would have experienced otherwise.

The night was a good reminder of the meaning of the Christmas season and how much we have to be thankful for. It's easy to distracted or overwhelmed during this holiday season and celebrating through the lens of Africa was a humble reminder that the season is not about pretty lights, gifts, and cookies but about the coming of Christ and the gift of salvation and hope he brings.








Christmas Party for Two