Christmas in China

A romantic evening that more closely resembles Valentine's Day than Christmas per the Chinese traditions complete with a couple's outing of ice skating, mall shopping, and learning about peculiar Chinese holiday tradition known as Saxophone Santa & his Sisters!

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Christmas in Finland

A fun exploration of the Christmas traditions of Finland including the "Official Hometown of Santa Claus", a visit to a sauna, a gigantic Finnish feast, and a Christmas horror movie about the Finnish "Christmas Goat" they view as their Santa Claus!

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Christmas in Morocco

A fascinating take on how Christmas is (or more appropriately is not) celebrated in Morocco including Christmas Taboo, "Mo-Rocking Around the Christmas Tree", and the iconic "Moroccan Christmas" episode of "The Office".

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Christmas in Argentina

A celebration of the Christmas traditions in Argentina complete with cotton balls as snowflakes, building a paper mache goat to burn it down, listening to Christmas tango, and a spread of vitel tone, beef tongue, and Andes mints!

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Christmas in Romania

A fascinating family date exploring the interesting history of Christmas in Romania including their Communist Santa (Mos Gerila), several of their cherished Christmas dishes, the making of a star carol, and much more!

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