We want to encompass as much of the world as we can in our “Christmas Around the World”. For most countries, it’s quite easy to find traditions and foods and fun activities. For other countries, however, we’ve had to get quite creative. Morocco was one of those countries. It’s a 99% Muslim country and estimates are that there are only 8,000 Christians living there, many of them expats. Christianity is not a recognized religion and life carries on as normal on December 25th with no time off work, no public displays or decorations, and almost no acknowledgement whatsoever of Christmas.

Despite all of that, Ben still found a way to make our Moroccan Christmas celebration fill an entire evening. We created our own Moroccan Christmas feast featuring some of Morocco’s most iconic dishes including briouats, tagine, ghribas, and  iced mint tea. 

And our favorite part was the Moroccan oasis lounge that we created called “Moroccan Around the Christmas Tree Oasis”. With just some Dollar Tree plastic lanterns, tea lights, and a playlist with Arabic Christmas carols, we were really able to create quite the ambiance! We played Christmas-themed Taboo in recognition of Christmas not being recognized as a public holiday there. And of course, how could we not end the evening with a viewing of the “Moroccan Christmas” episode of “The Office”.







Festive Fudges & Small Ones’ Smudges


Fa La La La La