Eleven Pipers Piping

Welcome to “Eleven Pipers Piping” and yes, we managed to find eleven ways to celebrate the day! Despite being EXHAUSTed from a month of Christmas celebrations, we don’t HALF-ass anything, so carry on we did!
We started with two glasses of champagne, appropriately poured in champagne FLUTES that formed the number ELEVEN. We did some PIPE DREAM Christmas shopping by perusing the Williams Sonoma website (there was a $35k grill!) and then also looking at the Christmas lists of upper class teenagers as assembled by the firm PIPER JAFFRAY. Of course there was Christmas soundtracks of PIPE ORGANS, BAGPIPES, and PICCOLOS. Apps were fun Parmesan Pastry PIPES and a SMOKING cocktail followed by some Christmas-themed games involving wrapping paper TUBES. And to wrap up the night, we watched the lovable “Frosty the Snow Man” with his CORN COB PIPE while enjoying PIPING HOT chocolate and cookies made with a PIPING BAG.
Sometimes we think we’re crazy when we step back and realize how far we’ve had to stretch our brains and creativities to make this happen. But then we get into them and realize that some of the most obscure and bizarre elements are the things that we loved the most!
Flutes of Champagne
Piped Cookies
Piping Hot Chocolate
Luxury Christmas Shopping
Christmas Playlists (Pipe Organ, Flutes, Bagpipe )
Wrapping Paper Tube Games
“Frosty the Snow Man”