St. Nick’s Scary Sidekicks

On the Eve of St. Nicholas’ Day (December 6th), we recognize the fascinating characters that traditions state accompany St. Nicholas as he will bring his gifts this evening. Specifically, we feature those terrifying creatures who deal with the naughty children throughout their various regions of Europe: Krampus (Austria), Mikulas (Czech Republic), Knecht Ruprecht (Germany), Pere Fouettard (France), and Zwarte Piet (Netherlands).
All of these characters have unique traits, but almost all involve some form of beating naughty children with wooden sticks, kidnapping them in burlap sacks, binding them in chains, leaving behind potatoes instead of candy, or other terrifying antics.
We chose to lighten it up a bit with having a breakfast of tea and “krampuses”, making paper advent “chains”, reading “Goodnight Krampus” bedtime stories with the twins, crafting “Krampus-deterrent” zwetschgen menschen (dried fruit people), and making chocolate covered pretzel “rods”. Of course, after the kids went down, we finished the night with some Schnapps cocktails (as is associated with Krampuslauf) and a viewing of the 2015 “Krampus” movie.
Tea & “Krampuses” (ie: St. Nicholas Brioches)
Roasted Potatoes (Mikulas)
Birch Pretzel Rods (Pere Fouettard)
Bags of Ash (ie: Puppy Chow) (Knecht Ruprecht)
Zwetschgen Menschen (Dried Fruit People)
Paper Advent Chain
Christmas Word Chain Games
“Goodnight Krampus” Bedtime Story
“Krampus” Movie