On Christmas Eve, we got ready for Santa to come visit us with what felt like a very fitting theme… Snacks for Santa. Most people are familiar with milk & cookies in the United States. And while we did have numerous incorporations of that, milk and cookies isn’t consistent across the rest of the world. So we made sure to include all the different kinds of snacks and treats from around the world that are left out for Santa and his reindeer.

We started with Risengrod (Danish Rice Pudding) for breakfast and then featured a couple of variations on carrots (for the reindeer) through a casserole for dinner but also in a creative cocktail. All throughout the day, we tracked Santa via NORAD and wrangled our own little reindeer. And as Santa and his sleigh approached England in the evening, we readied our own mince pies and sherry just like the children of England. And ultimately, we wrapped up the night by setting out the traditional American milk and cookies as we awaited Santa to arrive for the twins’ first Christmas.






Christmas Day


Christmas Lights