
The nativity scene is a classic for Christmas and we have multiple throughout our home. And while we obviously read Luke 2 to keep an element of reverence and holiness to this event, we also had fun in making it a creative outlet for crafting a menu and festivities that highlighted each of the the different groups of people and animals that are depicted in the scene.
We baked an ANGEL food cake, drank MYRH-lot, and ate SHEPHERD’s pie,to make it a very tasty day. Plus, we even incorporated elements of unique Christmas traditions from around the world including the Swedish Gavle GOAT and the infamous pooping Caganer of Spain. Yep, you heard that right. Spain hides a little “pooping peasant” in the corner of their nativity scenes.
Even losing power in the middle of it all wasn’t a disruption and meant that we had some moments to simply enjoy the stillness of the evening and feel like it was the very first Christmas all over again.
NATIVITY Charcuterie
SAGE & Prosciutto Pinwheels
ANGEL Food Cake with CAraMEL Sauce
Bloody MARY
THREE WISE MEN Cocktail (Jim Beam, Johnnie Walker, Jose Cuervo)
Read Luke 2
Create NATIVITY Charcuterie
Create and Burn Gavle GOAT
Watch & Create Christmas MAGIc & Frozen Ice Magic
Listen to FRANK-INCENSE Sinatra Christmas Music
Learn About Spain’s CAGANER (“Pooping Peasant”)
Gavle Goat History