We realize it's hard to hit all Christmas foods and traditions from a continent but we thought we did pretty well for South America!

The evening began with a brisk bike/rollerblade around the neighborhood to represent the Venezuelan tradition of how they typically get to church services in December. I’m sure we were a site to behold cruising around our neighborhood with a knit stocking cap on our heads and roller blades on our feet. 

While waiting for dinner to cook, we played Find the Sock as they do in Brazil for Papai Noel. It’s associated with the tradition of Papai Noel giving you a present if he finds your sock. It turns out, there are many more hiding spots in our house than we ever imagined! But it was an absolutely hilarious, fun event that might become one of our favorites of the season.

Hallacas are an essential part of the Christmas meals in Venezuela and while they took a lot of time and ingredients to prep, we couldn't exclude them. And they paired great with a quinoa sausage casserole from Bolivia.

Post dinner activities included listening to a playlist of Bossa Nova Christmas music and also watching blooper reels in honor of Innocence Day (which is many countries version of April Fools Day). Yummy Bunuelo treats were enjoyed with drinks like spiced cocoa and Cola De Mono (Chile).






Nine Ladies Dancing


Christmas Movies