And on Christmas Day, we take time to remember what the season is all about and the birth of Jesus. We read Luke 2 to start the day and celebrate Jesus' coming into this world. With COVID, festivities with families looked different this year, but we still got in a walk with the Ben’s family despite the negative temps.

After heading home, it was a restful day of opening presents, relaxed reading and painting, and a quiet Christmas dinner for two. We hope that you enjoyed this season as much as we did and found a little extra joy in each day.  We loved these Dates of Christmas so much. We’ll have to wait and see if they came back for 2021. Merry Christmas!



  • Orange & Cinnamon Rolls

  • Hash Browns

  • Scallops



  • Read Luke 2

  • Open Presents

  • Outside Stroll with Family


Best Of 2020 : Foods


‘Twas the Night Before Christmas