Occasionally, we get people saying that our Christmas shenanigans look fun. But rarely do we get people who are as excited by the prospect of joining in nor do so with such vigor as the Rose family. And so today, we had the pleasure of joining our two families to celebrate all things “WREATHS”.

The Rose family spent the early part of the day creating some wreaths-related arts and crafts that would be used for festivities later in the evening. And our Sommerfeld family worked on creating a full smorgasbord of wreath shaped foods including Jello bundt salad, chicken cranberry wreaths, a shrimp cocktail wreath, and even a rosemary ice wreath for the cocktail.

And then finally, we joined up for an evening to put it all into action! While sipping some wreath-themed cocktails and listening to A”wreath”a Franklin’s Christmas album, we got the festivities underway. Many of them were themed to pay homage to Santa Lucia, who was an early Christian martyr of the third century said to have worn a wreath with candles in it on her head so that she could have as much of her hands free as possible as she brought food and aid to the Christians hiding in the Roman catacombs. She is remembered for bringing light into the darkness and thus celebrated on the shortest day of the year,. And that’s exactly what we did today with with games of advent wreath ring toss, tea light candle stacking, Wreath Wrecker, and many more wreath festivities.



  • Santa Lucia Saffron Buns

  • Lingonberry Yogurt

  • Crackers & Salami Wreath

  • Shrimp Cocktail Wreath

  • Chicken Cranberry Wreath

  • Jello Bundt Salad

  • “Wreath”-ling Wine

  • Santa Lucia Highlands Red Wine

  • Holiday Cocktail with Rosemary Wreath



  • A”wreath”a Franklin’s Christmas

  • Wreath Making Arts & Crafts

  • Wreath Relay

  • Wreath Wrecker (Solo Cups & Balloon)

  • Santa Lucia Wreath Toss (Advent Candles & Mini Wreaths)

  • Santa Lucia Advent Candle Stacke




Christmas Stories