Teddy Bears, the classic children’s toy, originated after President Theodore Roosevelt was on a bear hunting trip in 1902 and had yet to shoot a bear. The rest of the hunting party cornered a bear and tied it to a tree for Roosevelt to shoot, which he deemed extremely unsportsmanlike. News of Roosevelt’s sense of justice spread via newspapers and cartoons around the country. Those articles and cartoons inspired Morris Michtom, a Brooklyn candy shop owner, to create a stuffed toy bear and dedicate it the president by calling it “Teddy’s Bear”. The rest is history and the toy has gone on to become one of the famous beloved toys of all time.

To provide the accompanying hygge and rhyme for the childhood teddy bear, we paired it with the adult treat of the hot toddy. Not only do they sound similar, they both are warm and cozy to curl up with on a cold winter night. The hot toddy originated in India in the 1610s but took on its traditional form in 1786. The British claimed it as their own with their damp cold winters and it became common practice in pubs to pour hot water into glasses of Scotch. Their spice trade with India subsequently encouraged them to add exotic spices to the mix.

And so today was a simple and relaxed play upon TEDDIES & TODDIES. We gave the kids their own Christmas teddy bears, we read the Berenstain’s Bears “Night Before Christmas” and spent some time with our family’s favorite teddy bear via “A Very Merry Pooh Year” movie. We incorporated teddy bears into the food throughout the day in the form of toast, grilled cheese, and pancakes. And us parents unwound at the end of the day with some variations of hot toddies while listening to the serenades of Teddy Swims on his fantastic album “A Very Teddy Christmas”.







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