“Mary, Did You Know?”

With Lifegroup happening on Tuesdays, we expanded the participation of our “Days of Christmas” to pull in some people that have become dear friends to us the past two years. We had our usual family-style dinner and then a Scripture study (Ehud might not be the best post-dinner topic), but we wrapped up early to have some holiday fun including a White Elephant Exchange.
For other activities, the rest of the group was kind enough to indulge our shenanigans and so Ben came up with a “Mary, Did You Know?” theme to tie the evening activities together. The food had lyrical tie-ins for (Rose)Mary (Crescent Rolls), Angels (Food Cake), and (Hershey’s) Kisses. We also did Holiday “Did You Know?” Trivia, a “Blind Will See” Feel the Hidden Holiday Object as well as “Dumb Will Speak” Holiday Charades.
It was a fun evening… until Edison decided to continue her recent late evening theatrics and get quite feisty. So, to laugh at the situation and also connect to the lyrical appropriateness of “calming the storm”, Ben and I ended the night by mixing up some Dark and Stormy cocktails once all was settled again.
Rosemary Crescents Rolls (Mary, Did You Know?)
Angel Food Cake (Has Walked Where Angels Trod)
Hershey’s Kisses (When You Kiss Your Little Baby)
Dark & Stormy Cocktail (Will Calm the Storm With His Hand)
Pentatonix’s “Mary Did You Know?”
Lifegroup White Elephant Gift Exchange
Did You Know? Holiday Trivia
Feel the Holiday Object Game (The Blind Will See)
Charades (The Dumb Will Speak)
“Yes, Mary Knew” Christianity Today Article