Best Of 2021 : Foods

Every year, our family looks back at our 25 Dates of Christmas and tries to pick out our favorite foods, activities, and memories from the season. It’s no small task and we always wind up having a lot more candidates than we have spots. But, it’s a cherished tradition of walking down memory lane and reminiscing on all the fun we had. 

As a reader, we know it can be overwhelming to look at the sheer quantity of dates. Which ones should you start with? And that’s exactly why these posts exist! With these, we can give you our personal recommendations of where you should begin. These are the ones that we enjoyed the most as well as why.

So, with no further ado, here is the curated list of the Sommerfeld Family’s favorite foods from 25 Dates of Christmas 2021! 

TOP FAVORITES (in order of pictures):

HONORABLE MENTIONS (in chronological order):

  • Stuffed Pork Chops STOCKINGS

  • Oreo Coal Bites STOCKINGS


  • Broccoli Pesto LA BEFANA

  • Pannetone LA BEFANA

  • Plum Wine PLUM PUDDING

  • Shuba (Rusian Herring Salad) CHRISTMAS IN ASIA 2.0

  • Kentucky Fried Chicken CHRISTMAS IN ASIA 2.0

  • Chicken Stuffed w/ Dill Pickles CHRISTMAS PICKLE

  • Pickle Crescent Pinwheels CHRISTMAS PICKLE

  • Pears w/ Blue Cheese & Prosciutto PARTRIDGE IN A PEAR TREE 2.0

  • Bruce Khalise’s Apple Berry Pie LIFEGROUP HOLIDAY PARTY

  • Sage & Prosciutto Pinwheels NATIVITY

  • Fireside Cocktail CHRISTMAS LOGS

  • Boozy Cherry Log CHRISTMAS LOGS

  • Cookie Cutter Hot Cocoa Pancakes GIFTS OF CHRISTMAS

  • Cookie Cutter Grilled Cheese GIFTS OF CHRISTMAS

  • "Oh Fudge" Mug Treat CHRISTMAS STORIES

  • Chinese Takeout CHRISTMAS STORIES

  • Holiday Cocktails w/ Rosemary Wreath WREATHS

  • Peppermint Schnapps Cocoa CHRISTMAS LIGHTS

  • Mince Pies & Sherry SNACKS FOR SANTA

  • Homemade Egg Nog SNACKS FOR SANTA

  • Caramel & Orange Rolls CHRISTMAS DAY 2021


Best of 2021 : Activities


Christmas Day