There are some days when you simply want a chance to get away from the hustle and bustle and the busyness of the holiday season as well as the constant phone notifications of the modern world and to simply go back to a simpler time. We gave ourselves that reprieve tonight with “NO EL...ECTRICITY”.

Ben and I pretended that we lost power and access to modern technology and we spent the evening eating and relaxing using only what we would have had a century ago (minus a few photos for memories sake). We tried to tie in the French theme (as "Noel" means “Christmas” in French) as much as possible.

So we lit up as many candles as we could find and had a nice candlelit dinner of cheese fondue and red wine beef broth fondue as well as champagne kept cold in a bucket of snow. We warmed up with some chocolat chaud and we toasted up some s’mores over candle flames.

Activities involved old fashioned radios to listen to a Christmas episode of “A Prairie Home Companion”, a record player for French carol playlists, and we cheated a bit by introducing some modern inventions including an emergency flashlight radio for hand puppet Christmas charades.




Feast of the Seven Fishes


Hardrock, Coco, & Joe